Trade Parts

What we do for you.

You have the re­quire­ment, we have the expertise!

For SMEs in particular, it is difficult to stay on top of things, to manage a large number of suppliers and at the same time to procure at favorable conditions. As a one-stop shop, that's exactly where Meraxis comes in. You tell us what you need and we take care of the rest. Thanks to our large pool of suppliers with partners all over the world, we can source exactly what you need. We find suitable suppliers, take care of the inquiry process and the logistical handling. You are short of storage space? No problem, we are professionals in managing entire supply chains. Thanks to our large procurement volumes, we can achieve bundling effects and pass on competitive conditions to you. This also benefits smaller companies in the start-up phase. Interested? Contact us!

What we offer

Your advantages

Everything from a single source: More than just procurement
Attractive conditions through volume bundling
Worldwide supplier network

Our portfolio

We go one step further and offer trade parts for polymer processors. No matter which industry and which application. Thanks to an extensive partner network, we can also offer you a suitable solution. Our portfolio includes:

  • Injection molded parts
  • Protective foils



Our experts support your procurement project! We look forward to your request.

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